地素时尚股份有限公司(股票代码:603587),2002年创立于中国上海,是一家多品牌运作的时尚集团。自成立以来,公司围绕中高端品牌定位,分别创立“DAZZLE”、“DIAMOND DAZZLE”、“d'zzit”和“RAZZLE”四个知名服装品牌,形成对时装领域深层次的诠释。地素时尚,致力于为热爱时尚追求品质的人群,提供优质产品,帮助人们提升自我价值感。我们希望可以通过非凡的创意、艺术的格调以及触及心灵的美好生活体验,打造专注时尚领域、具有国际竞争力的产业集团。我们深信:“让遇见我们的每一个人,都变得更加美好”这一理念,会为人们的生活注入新鲜的活力,带来光芒;而“爱创造一切”的信念,将一路照亮人生的旅程,引导人们朝着梦想的方向蓬勃生长!2020年,地素时尚股份有限公司市场零售额达40多亿。2020年底,旗下品牌店铺总数超过1100家。
We firmly believe that inspiration makes our life vivid and our motto “LOVE CREATES” will always be the lighthouse showing us the way to the dream.
Founded in Shanghai, China in 2002, Dazzle Fashion Co. Ltd.( ticker symbol:603587 ), is a fashion group that owns several brands. Since its inception, Dazzle Fashion has positioned itself around the mid to high-end of the market, and has created four renowned clothing brands, "DAZZLE", "DIAMOND DAZZLE", "d'zzit", and "RAZZLE". These represent the group's multidimensional and in-depth interpretation of modern fashion.
Dazzle Fashion is dedicated to helping improve the sense of self-worth of consumers who are passionate about fashion and focus on quality, by providing them with fine products. Our intention is to create a fashion group that can compete on the international stage through extraordinary creativity, artistry in style, and wonderful experiences. Our corporate mission is to "Make life better". We bring freshness, brightness and change into our customers' daily life. Our corporate spirit "Love Creates" will light the journey of life all along the way, guiding people to thrive and live their dreams. In 2020, Dazzle Fashion's retail sales reached RMB 4 billion. By the end of 2020, it was operating more than 1,100 stores.
DAZZLE WOMAN 自在练达, 亦不缺乏个性。
是对DAZZLE WOMAN的致敬:她们角色多变、职责纷繁。
DAZZLE WOMAN挑战了传统观点对于女性角色该如何成长转化的预设,
The DAZZLE WOMAN is at eased and experienced, full of personality.
She interprets her contemporary lifestyle with casual elegance.
Because of her strong inner strength, she loves the world unconditionally.
Because of her positive and optimistic attitude, she fears no future.
Contradictory and Conflicting Aesthetics
DAZZLE reconstructs design style classifications,
smashing stereotypes and boundaries, deliberately mixing luscious with tough.
The surprising mix of materials and subversive design achieves a subtle balance.
Some of these avant-garde and even naughty techniques pay tribute to the DAZZLE WOMAN:
their roles are varied and their responsibilities are numerous.
They are adventurers of life and are not easily defined.
New Feminism
The DAZZLE WOMAN challenged the presupposition of traditional views on
how female roles should grow and transform, and clarified a new feminist attitude.
She denies the fixed mindset imposed on femininity,
and empowers women to be open and self-confident with a new aesthetic norm.
She is no longer limited by the idea that women should be weak or strong.
The only declaration that feminism wants to express is:
women are free to choose their own lives, to love freely, and be loved.
“姯”, woman+light, anancient Chinese character that depicts a woman of dazzling beauty. Dazzle andShine -- is a new vision of beauty that DAZZLE has defined since its creation.
#LOVE CREATES# DAZZLE believes that whenyou dress up, there is a sense of responsibility that you want to live up tothe sparkle: feel empowered, confident, and the best version of yourself.
Created by women for women, DAZZLEcelebrates the aesthetics of contradictory in the designs that interpret thepersonal style towards an ideal of universal beauty.
Discover all that is bright and beautifulin the world of DAZZLE.
DAZZLE’s design never misses the element ofcontradictive clashes, the creatively mixed elements resulted in the uniquecharacteristic of DAZZLE.
DAZZLE never stops exploring fashion,experimenting new and creative ways of thinking, combining surprises andunexpected elements together.
That’s the unique DAZZLE beauty aesthetic.
d’zzit 轻松有趣,不拘一格,传统的框架与定式难以将其捕捉。
d’zzit is fun, eclectic, and difficult to capture by traditional frameworks or stereotypes.
She has a retro plot, but also clearly shows the characteristics of the vanguard and avant-garde.
She emphasizes the spirit of youth, but also encourages breaking through age limits.
She is her own, but she also actively interacts and dances together with the external world.
She is full of innocence, fearlessness, and inspiring energy.
Beneath the surface of change masks the essence of desire for freedom and self.
What is d’zzit
d’zzit is a magical expression
d’zzit is full of magic, coming from giving birth to independent and non-traditional creative spirit,
while also becoming an outpost for young culture.
Contradictions and provocations, style and creativity—this is d’zzit's quality and the essence of young culture.
This special nature, which collided, tumbled, and accumulated in contemporary society,
has a strongly contagious force that makes people unable to stop and eventually becomes an active energy for innovation.
d’zzit is a fashion testing ground
The essence of fashion is ever changing;
and, d’zzit is a proving ground for colorful, kaleidoscope-like designs.
Inspired by the retro flea market, d’zzit injects a variety of whimsical creations,
boundless dreams, and fearless adventures.
At that moment when d’zzit is interwoven with both the past and the future,
fashion is also transformed into a spiritual journey that constantly embraces the world,
and constantly seeking and reconstructing itself.
d’zzit is infinite possibilities
d’zzit is charming and innocent, full of magic and unexpected surprises.
d’zzit crosses age and gender barriers, embracing all innocent, sensitive, adaptable, and sincere people;
and, encourages limitless mashups and re-creations.
d’zzit represents a maverick, a carefree spirit,
that excites the possibilities of the individual’s many aspects and infinite creativity.
d’zzit is everything!
DAZZLEFASHION Launches their 1st menswear design brand – RAZZLE.
RAZZLE is the completely new men's fashion brand sculpted by a diversified team with international vision.
The process we use to create every piece of RAZZLE clothing is like a unique chemical equation.
“Tribrid” collision, deconstruction, and reorganization,
strike multiple fashion elements against each other,
– marrying he handsome style of a military uniform,
the universality and practicality of utility clothing,
and the comfort and freedom of sportswear,
to give rise to a new men's fashion standard.
Full of warmth, not mechanistic, not rigid, and not monotonous,
Mr. RAZZLE is the perfect balance of trend and craftsmanship.
A modern gentleman acquainted with aesthetics of East and West,
RAZZLE extends classic style through fashion’s infinite possibilities,
and innovates new menswear aesthetics for urban elite men.
蓄力三年,DAZZLE FASHION地素时尚呈现给时代一场集“閤”创意头脑的盛宴,是诠释中国传统文化的灵感入口。在2021秋冬敦煌系列“閤”中,每一位大师各行其道,地素时尚的年轻、摩登与温暖之力与他们聚閤,迸发出多文化的混合能量,并邀由各个世代的消费者探索和感受中国传统文化焕新当代。
閤,意在融閤多元化和包容性文化的同时,吸纳一切创造。艺术家岳敏君先生以当代笔触描绘的敦煌画作《322窟》与发布秀现场共同构筑起穿越时空的美学交流与创意互动。而在发布秀的高潮以及谢幕时刻,伴随着由作曲家与指挥家谭盾先生历经6年创作的,享誉世界的《敦煌·慈悲颂》交响乐,时尚与艺术、深度与活力、传承与未来,达成了和谐统一。这也是一次身体、心灵与精神的交汇,爱与“閤”于秀场跃然而出。Love Creates爱创造一切,让人们超越现实的局限,靠近幸福的彼岸。
閤生爱,让我们 閤 为一个整体,
用更包容的态度拥抱DAZZLEF ASHION 及中国时尚之未来。
手工– 以匠人精神来对待时尚,以手工细节为傲,精雕细琢打造每一件作品。
诚意– 以收藏精神来甄选材料,精挑细选每一支纤维,悉心织就每一寸面料,创意发挥每一个图案。
艺术– 对待时尚犹如对待艺术,打造自我犹如打造臻品。
DIAMOND DAZZLE 不停止时尚与艺术的对话. LOVE CREATES, 迄今已牵手数位才华卓然的中外艺术家共同创造关于艺术、美丽和梦想的世界。
DIAMOND DAZZLE is the combination of perfect workmanship and craftsmanship,
which translated into the art of couture.
Workmanship and craftsmanship:fabrics and accessories,
carefully selected for their exceptional beauty andquality,
are then cut, woven and sewn into unique pieces with attention toevery detail.
Art of Couture: every collection is produced with industrial avant-garde techniques and a high touch of artisanal handicraft.
#LOVE CREATES# The history of DIAMONDDAZZLE remains closely tied to the art world:
since its establishment DIAMONDDAZZLE has worked with a number of artists to
create crossover collections that retrieve art elements into contemporary fashion.
MON-FRI 9:00-18:00